How long have we known each other? Have you taken my courses? Did you work or volunteer for me at the museum, in my lab, or elsewhere?
List all courses taken with me alongside the grade you received following the placeholder example below.
What skills and/or experience do you possess that is relevant to the program or position to which you are applying? If I have trained you in those skills or connected you to or provided the experience you mention, please say so.
If my letter will go to a university, then the general university address is not appropriate. Please provide the more specific department, division, or program address.
Please tell me about the department or employer that will receive your application materials. Every department and employer is different. What drew you to this one? This should be in your own words, so please do not copy/paste website information here.
List at least two faculty members in the program to which you're sending your application materials and briefly explain how your research interests align with theirs. Follow and expand upon the placeholder example below. If you are applying for a job, write in "N/A."
Is there anything else you think I should know about the program, position, or your interest in either? Consider issues of personal background, relevant socioeconomic factors, and experience with diversity in work, research, and other areas of your life more generally.