SHA 2024 CRM Archaeology Job Fair
Friday January 5, 2024 Oakland, California
CSU East Bay Oakland Center Campus, noon to 4:00 pm
Job Fair Information and Directions
CSU East Bay’s C.E. Smith Museum of Anthropology and the Archaeological Research Facility at UC Berkeley are co-hosting the 2024 SHA CRM Job Fair at the CSU East Bay Oakland Center campus, just across Broadway from the SHA conference venue, the Marriott Convention Center. The job fair will take place on Friday, January 5 between noon and 4:00 pm and includes a wide variety of CRM firms and agencies from across the country. The event will include free food (as long as it lasts) and we will give out tickets for our 3:30 pm raffle during the first several hours of the event. Anyone with a conference badge or college ID may enter.
Directions for conference attendees: Walk across Broadway from the conference venue and enter the CSU East Bay Oakland Center through the Broadway entrance.
Directions for everyone else: The CSU East Bay Oakland Center is located at 1000 Broadway in Oakland, California (in the Trans-Pacific Center building). The Trans-Pacific Center has an underground parking garage with an entrance located on its north side, near the intersection of 11th and Franklin (roughly here).
For firm/agency representatives: Tabling firm/agency representatives do not need to provide either a badge or college ID and may enter the building as early as 11 am to set up. We will have someone at the door waiting for you. Please bring your tabling materials with you. You may bring a branded tablecloth and an upright banner. Our tables are 5” x 2”. Please bring plenty of branded swag and please consider donating some “high-end swag” (branded backpacks and the like) to our raffle. We will have table cards ready for you when you arrive. Contact Albert Gonzalez at albert.gonzalez@csueastbay.edu if you have questions.